The Box Clever Approach to Social Media Marketing

Online Marketing

Did you know that search engines are now using social media signals as part of their ranking algorithms? This means that the content you’re posting on social media outlets matters even more today than it has in the past. 

Social media isn’t hard, but it does require time, planning and dedication. 

Social Media signals are where search engine optimization is headed, and we’re along for the ride. Aligning your social efforts with your overall business goals generates awareness and revenue for your business if executed effectively.

With over 18 million social media network users in Canada alone, it is no wonder that search engine algorithms are starting to take advantage of the data sent out in social signals. Some of the factors that influence ranking include: social shares, author credibility, and the number of followers you are able to gain.

That being said, you sadly can’t just start tweeting and expect magic to happen – social media is an integral piece of your marketing efforts that requires patience, planning and dedication. It can be confusing and the last thing any company wants to do is waste time doing it wrong.

With all of the Social Media avenues available to you we understand it can be a bit overwhelming.  The more you can think like a storyteller, the more effective your content will be. We can help create a strong Social Media presence and community around your business. Don’t jump into Social Media without a plan. Talk to us first, and we will help plan and execute an effective and measurable social media campaign, no matter which social outlet you choose to engage in. We specialize in:

  • Social Media Branding 
  • Social Media Strategies and Planning
  • Social Media Contesting
  • Social Media Metrics and Reporting
  • Social reputation management
  • Profile Maintenance 

By allowing Box Clever to create an effective Social Media Marketing Strategy you can rest easy knowing that our educated marketing team is guiding your company through the process of creating expressive online content that is both visually appealing and technically sound. We will work in close collaboration with you to produce driven and measurable data through a wide variety of social media platforms.

Social Media Marketing is just one of the areas we specialize in here at Box Clever.  If you would like to learn more about Social Media and Online Marketing in general Click Here to let us know.