The Box Clever Approach to Content Creation

Online Marketing

Creating content is hard, and creating great content is even harder. We believe a key success factor for the design and launch of a successful and searchable website is great content as much as it is great design. At Box Clever we partner with our clients and get to know the ins-and-outs of each business to ensure that the content is both authentic and effective at reaching its intended audience.

For a website to be successful it is integral that the content we create is both intuitive and creates a vision for future site visitors . Site visitors should immediately understand what type of quality goods or services our clients have to offer and what makes each website stand out from their competitors sites. It is a combination of great content and great design that accomplishes this.

When content comes first it leads design and development, giving our team a strong foundation from which to build the new site. If content comes second you often run into bottlenecks later on in the process, trying to fit content into an area designed without knowing its scope or size. It is our intention that the content we create will provide the framework for the design and development of all our sites, and it should be the driving force behind the experience that future site users will have.

Time and time again Box Clever clients have expressed to us how difficult and time consuming it is to create content. Trying to optimize content after the fact so it contributes to organic search results is also difficult and time consuming. By getting us involved with your content from the beginning we can help keep content first and ensure the website is built to showcase your organization. In the end, your website has goals and the best way to have a high Return on Investment is to make sure your content receives as much attention as your design.

If you would like to learn more about our content creation services and other online marketing services that we can provide for your business, or if you have any questions Click Here to connect with our team.