New Website for the Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton

Non-Profit Website

The Seniors Associaton of Greater Edmonton (SAGE) have just launched their new website!

This particular project came with some interesting challenges - specifcally, how to really reach the target audience. There's no existing rule of thumb or guidebook for how to design a website to make it friendly to a 65+ demographic.

The obvious choice is to make all the text bigger and high contrast. While this does help, there are a couple of other things we did to ensure the target audience had the best web experience they could. The site is friendly to accessibility software, from magnifiers to readers, all the content will show up for each user. We also simplified the navigation structure - not only can the information be read now, but it is also easier to find.

Overall SAGE's new website helps them to connect with the people they're trying to help - Seniors in and around Edmonton.

Check out our portfolio for more work, or get in touch with us to learn more about our website design in Edmonton!