New Identity and Website for Box Clever

Branding Mobile Website

Box Clever's new brand identity and website

If you've been following along with the latest news at Box Clever, (and we'd like to think you have) you may have noticed some big changes over the past year. Aside from a fancy new office, growing team, and launching some really fantastic websites for our clients, we've also launched a new visual identity for ourselves!

When we first started brainstorming about a new logo a lot of different concepts came up: vintage boxing, a lightbulb within a box, and many more. In the end we decided on a very simple concept that you now see on our website, on all of our branded materials, and hanging on the wall in our office. The cleverly crafted box was created with six identical triangles. Once three of those triangles were removed the remaining shapes created a box utilizing the negative space: half visible and half imagined. Did you see the box the first time you saw our new logo?

Our new website has been a long time coming too - and we couldn't be happier to launch it! We wanted our new website to clearly say who we are, what we do, and to display our portfolio of work in an interesting way. We purposefully kept the navigation simple and used custom-designed icons to lead visitors through to our portfolio. Thanks to responsive design the site also looks great on your smartphone or tablet, keeping our content, design, and personality intact!

Thanks to everyone who has already sent through their compliments on our new logo and website!